Source code for odc.geo.math

# This file is part of the Open Data Cube, see for more information
# Copyright (c) 2015-2020 ODC Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Various mathy helpers.

Minimal dependencies in this module.
from math import ceil, floor, fmod, isfinite, log2
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from affine import Affine
from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polygrid2d, polyval2d

from .types import XY, Resolution, SomeResolution, SomeShape, res_, resxy_, shape_, xy_

AffineX = TypeVar("AffineX", np.ndarray, Affine)

[docs] def maybe_zero(x: float, tol: float) -> float: """Turn almost zeros to actual zeros.""" if abs(x) < tol: return 0 return x
[docs] def split_float(x: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Split float number into whole and fractional parts. Adding the two numbers back together should result in the original value. Fractional part is always in the ``(-0.5, +0.5)`` interval, and whole part is equivalent to ``round(x)``. :param x: floating point number :return: ``whole, fraction`` """ if not isfinite(x): return (x, 0) x_part = fmod(x, 1.0) x_whole = x - x_part if x_part > 0.5: x_part -= 1 x_whole += 1 elif x_part < -0.5: x_part += 1 x_whole -= 1 return (x_whole, x_part)
[docs] def maybe_int(x: float, tol: float) -> Union[int, float]: """ Turn almost ints to actual ints. pass through other values unmodified. """ if not isfinite(x): return x x_whole, x_part = split_float(x) if abs(x_part) < tol: # almost int return int(x_whole) return x
[docs] def snap_scale(s: float, tol: float = 1e-6) -> float: """ Snap scale. Snap scale to the nearest integer or simple fractions in the form ``1/<int>`` if within tolerance. :return: ``s`` if too far from snap :return: snapped version of ``s`` when within ``tol`` of the integer scale. """ if abs(s) >= 1 - tol: return maybe_int(s, tol) # Check of s is 0 if abs(s) < tol: return s # Check for simple fractions s_inv = 1 / s s_inv_snapped = maybe_int(s_inv, tol) if s_inv_snapped is s_inv: return s return 1 / s_inv_snapped
[docs] def align_down(x: int, align: int) -> int: """ Align integer down. :return: ``y`` such that ``y % align == 0`` and ``y <= x`` and ``(x - y) < align`` """ return x - (x % align)
[docs] def align_up(x: int, align: int) -> int: """ Align integer up. :return: ``y`` such that ``y % align == 0`` and ``y >= x`` and ``(y - x) < align`` """ return align_down(x + (align - 1), align)
def align_up_pow2(x: int) -> int: """ Align up to the nearest power of 2. :return: Smallest ``y`` such that ``y >= x`` and ``y == 2**n`` for some integer ``n``. """ if x <= 0: return 1 return 2 ** int(ceil(log2(x))) def align_down_pow2(x: int) -> int: """ Align down to the nearest power of 2. :return: Largest ``y`` such that ``y <= x`` and ``y == 2**n`` for some integer ``n``. """ y = align_up_pow2(x) if y > x: y = y // 2 return y
[docs] def clamp(x, lo, up): """Clamp ``x`` to be ``lo <= x <= up``.""" assert lo <= up return lo if x < lo else up if x > up else x
[docs] def is_almost_int(x: float, tol: float) -> bool: """ Check if number is close enough to an integer. :param x: number to check :param tol: tolerance to use. """ if not isfinite(x): return False x = abs(fmod(x, 1)) if x > 0.5: x = 1 - x return x < tol
def _snap_edge_pos(x0: float, x1: float, res: float, tol: float) -> Tuple[float, int]: assert res > 0 assert x1 >= x0 _x0 = floor(maybe_int(x0 / res, tol)) _x1 = ceil(maybe_int(x1 / res, tol)) nx = max(1, _x1 - _x0) return _x0 * res, nx def _snap_edge(x0: float, x1: float, res: float, tol: float) -> Tuple[float, int]: assert x1 >= x0 if res > 0: return _snap_edge_pos(x0, x1, res, tol) _tx, nx = _snap_edge_pos(x0, x1, -res, tol) tx = _tx + nx * (-res) return tx, nx def snap_grid( x0: float, x1: float, res: float, off_pix: Optional[float] = 0, tol: float = 1e-6 ) -> Tuple[float, int]: """ Compute grid snapping for single axis. :param x0: In point ``x0 <= x1`` :param x1: Out point ``x0 <= x1`` :param res: Pixel size and direction (can be negative) :param off_pix: Pixel fraction to align to ``x=0``. 0 - edge aligned 0.5 - center aligned None - don't snap :return: ``tx, nx`` that defines 1-d grid, such that ``x0`` and ``x1`` are within edge pixels. """ assert (off_pix is None) or (0 <= off_pix < 1) if off_pix is None: if res > 0: nx = ceil(maybe_int((x1 - x0) / res, tol)) return x0, max(1, nx) nx = ceil(maybe_int((x1 - x0) / (-res), tol)) return x1, max(nx, 1) off = off_pix * abs(res) _tx, nx = _snap_edge(x0 - off, x1 - off, res, tol) return _tx + off, nx
[docs] def data_resolution_and_offset( data, fallback_resolution: Optional[float] = None ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Compute resolution and offset from x/y axis data. Only uses first two coordinate values, assumes that data is regularly sampled. :returns: ``(resolution, offset)`` """ if data.size < 2: if data.size < 1: raise ValueError("Can't calculate resolution for empty data") if fallback_resolution is None: raise ValueError("Can't calculate resolution with data size < 2") res = fallback_resolution else: _res = (data[data.size - 1] - data[0]) / (data.size - 1.0) res = _res.item() off = data[0] - 0.5 * res return res, off.item()
[docs] def affine_from_axis( xx, yy, fallback_resolution: Optional[SomeResolution] = None ) -> Affine: """ Compute Affine transform from axis. Transform direction is from pixel coordinates to CRS units of ``X/Y`` axis. :param xx: ``X`` axis coordinates :param yy: ``Y`` axis coordinates :param fallback_resolution: Resolution to assume for single element axis. .. code-block:: text (0,0) in pixel space is defined as top left corner of the top left pixel | V 0 1 +---+---+ 0 | | | +---+---+ 1 | | | +---+---+ Only uses first two coordinate values, assumes that data is regularly sampled. :raises: :py:class:`ValueError` when any axis is empty. :raises: :py:class:`ValueError` when any axis has single value and fallback resolution was not supplied. """ frx: Optional[float] = None fry: Optional[float] = None if fallback_resolution is not None: frx, fry = res_(fallback_resolution).xy xres, xoff = data_resolution_and_offset(xx, frx) yres, yoff = data_resolution_and_offset(yy, fry) return Affine.translation(xoff, yoff) * Affine.scale(xres, yres)
[docs] def apply_affine( A: Affine, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Broadcast ``A*(x_i, y_i)`` across all elements of ``x/y``. Arrays could be in any shape (usually 2d image). :param A: Affine transform to apply :param x: x coordinates (any shape) :param y: y coordinates (same shape as ``x``) :returns: Transformed coordinate as two arrays of the same shape as input ``(x', y')`` """ shape = x.shape A = np.asarray(A).reshape(3, 3) t = A[:2, -1].reshape((2, 1)) A = A[:2, :2] x, y = A @ np.vstack([x.ravel(), y.ravel()]) + t x, y = (a.reshape(shape) for a in (x, y)) return (x, y)
[docs] def split_translation(t: XY[float]) -> Tuple[XY[float], XY[float]]: """ Split translation into pixel aligned and sub-pixel parts. Subpixel translation is guaranteed to be in ``[-0.5, +0.5]`` range. .. code-block:: python x + t = x + t_whole + t_subpix :param t: Translation as :py:class:`~odc.geo.XY` :returns: ``(t_whole, t_subpix)`` """ _tt = whole = x: x[0]) part = x: x[1]) return whole, part
[docs] def is_affine_st(A: Affine, tol: float = 1e-10) -> bool: """ Check if transfrom is pure scale and translation. :return: ``True`` if Affine transform has scale and translation components only :return: ``False`` if there is non-zero rotation or skew """ (_, wx, _, wy, _, _, *_) = A return abs(wx) < tol and abs(wy) < tol
[docs] def snap_affine( A: Affine, ttol: float = 1e-3, stol: float = 1e-6, tol: float = 1e-8 ) -> Affine: """ Snap scale and translation parts to integer when close enough. When scale is less than 1 then attempt snapping to ``1/<int>``. If input has rotation/shear component then return unchanged. :param A: Affine matrix :param ttol: translation tolerance, defaults to 1e-3 :param stol: scale tolerance, defaults to 1e-6 :param tol: rotation tolerance, defaults to 1e-10 :return: Adjusted Affine matrix. :return: Input Affine matrix when rotation/shear is present. """ sx, wx, tx, wy, sy, ty, *_ = A # has rotation component if abs(wx) > tol or abs(wy) > tol: return A sx_ = snap_scale(sx, stol) sy_ = snap_scale(sy, stol) tx_ = maybe_int(tx, ttol) ty_ = maybe_int(ty, ttol) return Affine(sx_, 0, tx_, 0, sy_, ty_)
def decompose_rws(A: AffineX) -> Tuple[AffineX, AffineX, AffineX]: """ Compute decomposition Affine matrix sans translation into Rotation, Shear and Scale. Find matrices ``R,W,S`` such that ``A = R W S`` and .. code-block: R [ca -sa] W [1, w] S [sx, 0] [sa ca] [0, 1] [ 0, sy] .. note: There are ambiguities for negative scales. * ``R(90)*S(1,1) == R(-90)*S(-1,-1)`` * ``(R*(-I))*((-I)*S) == R*S`` :return: Rotation, Shear, Scale ``2x2`` matrices """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals if isinstance(A, Affine): def to_affine(m, t=(0, 0)): a, b, d, e = m.ravel() c, f = t return Affine(a, b, c, d, e, f) (a, b, c, d, e, f, *_) = A R, W, S = decompose_rws(np.asarray([[a, b], [d, e]], dtype="float64")) return to_affine(R, (c, f)), to_affine(W), to_affine(S) assert A.shape == (2, 2) WS = np.linalg.cholesky(A.T @ A).T R = A @ np.linalg.inv(WS) if np.linalg.det(R) < 0: R[:, -1] *= -1 WS[-1, :] *= -1 ss = np.diag(WS) S = np.diag(ss) W = WS @ np.diag(1.0 / ss) return R, W, S def stack_xy(pts: Sequence[XY[float]]) -> np.ndarray: """Turn into an ``Nx2`` ndarray of floats in X,Y order.""" return np.vstack([pt.xy for pt in pts]) def unstack_xy(pts: np.ndarray) -> List[XY[float]]: """Turn ``Nx2`` array in X,Y order into a list of XY points.""" assert pts.ndim == 2 and pts.shape[1] == 2 return [xy_(pt) for pt in pts]
[docs] def norm_xy( pts: np.ndarray, out: Optional[np.ndarray] = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Affine]: """ Normalize ``Nx2`` points. Scale and translate such that mean is at 0 and mean distance from 0 is sqrt(2). :returns: Normalized array and affine matrix of the normalization. """ assert pts.ndim == 2 and pts.shape[1] == 2 assert out is None or out.shape == pts.shape _mean = pts.mean(axis=0) XX = np.subtract(pts, _mean, out=out) sx = (((XX**2).sum(axis=1) * 0.5) ** -0.5).mean() XX *= sx tx, ty = -_mean * sx A = Affine(sx, 0, tx, 0, sx, ty) return XX, A
[docs] def affine_from_pts(X: Sequence[XY[float]], Y: Sequence[XY[float]]) -> Affine: """ Given points ``X,Y`` compute ``A``, such that: ``Y = A*X``. Needs at least 3 points. """ assert len(X) == len(Y) assert len(X) >= 3 n = len(X) YY = stack_xy(Y) XX = np.ones((n, 3), dtype="float64") for i, pt in enumerate(X): XX[i, :2] = pt.xy mm, *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(XX, YY, rcond=-1) a, d, b, e, c, f = mm.ravel() return Affine(a, b, c, d, e, f)
def resolution_from_affine(A: Affine) -> Resolution: """ Compute resolution from Affine matrix. Deals with rotated case when needed. """ if is_affine_st(A): rx, _, _, _, ry, *_ = A return resxy_(rx, ry) _, _, A_ = decompose_rws(A) rx, _, _, _, ry, *_ = A_ return resxy_(rx, ry)
[docs] def edge_index(shape: SomeShape, closed: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Like ``ndindex`` in numpy but for edge locations and limited to 2d. Returns a sequence of indexes along the edge of a 2d array of a given shape. Order is fixed, starting from ``(0, 0), (0, 1)...``. See example below .. code-block:: # for shape=(10, 8) (0, 0), (0, 1) ... (0, 7), (1, 7), (2, 7) ... (9, 7), (9, 6), (9, 5) ... (9, 0), (8, 0), (7, 0) ... (1, 0), (0, 0) # Back to (0, 0) if closed=True """ nx, ny = shape_(shape).xy ix, iy = 0, 0 for ix in range(nx): yield (0, ix) for iy in range(1, ny): yield (iy, ix) for ix in range(ix - 1, -1, -1): yield (iy, ix) for iy in range(iy - 1, 0, -1): yield (iy, ix) if closed: yield (0, 0)
[docs] def quasi_random_r2( n: int, shape: Optional[SomeShape] = None, offset: int = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Generate quasi-random set of points. Returns quasi-random points in ``[0, 1)`` range. If ``shape=(ny, nx)`` is supplied, points are scaled to ``[0, nx), [0, ny)`` range. :param n: Number of points to generate :param offset: Generate from that offset in the sequence :returns: ``nx2`` numpy array References: """ idx = np.arange(offset, offset + n, dtype="float32") aa = (0.7548776662466927, 0.5698402909980532) xy = np.fmod(np.outer(idx, aa), 1) if shape is not None: nx, ny = shape_(shape).wh xy[:, 0] *= nx xy[:, 1] *= ny return xy
[docs] class Bin1D: """ Class for translating continous coordinates to bin index. Binning is defined using following parameters: :param sz: Bin size (positive floating point number) :param origin: Location of the left edge of bin ``0`` :param direction: Direction of the bin index ``+1|-1`` """ __slots__ = ("sz", "origin", "direction")
[docs] def __init__(self, sz: float, origin: float = 0.0, direction: Literal[1, -1] = 1): """ Construct :py:class:`~odc.geo.math.Bin1D` object. :param sz: Size of each bin, must be positive :param origin: Location of the left edge of bin ``0``, defaults to ``0.0`` :param direction: Default is to increment bin index left to right, supply ``-1`` to go the other way """ assert direction in (-1, 1) assert sz > 0 = sz self.origin = origin self.direction = direction
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Convert index to interval.""" _x = idx * * self.direction + self.origin return _x, _x +
[docs] def bin(self, x: float) -> int: """Lookup bin index that ``x`` falls into.""" ix = floor((x - self.origin) / return int(self.direction * ix)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Bin1D): return False return ( == and self.origin == other.origin and self.direction == other.direction ) # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
[docs] @staticmethod def from_sample_bin( idx: int, bin: Tuple[float, float], direction: Literal[1, -1] = 1 ) -> "Bin1D": """ Construct :py:class:`~odc.geo.math.Bin1D` from a sample. :param idx: Index of a sample bin :param bin: ``x0, x1`` bin edges :param direction: Default is to increment bin index left to right, supply ``-1`` to go the other way """ x0, x1 = bin assert x0 < x1 sz = x1 - x0 origin = x0 - sz * idx * direction return Bin1D(sz, origin, direction=direction)
[docs] class Poly2d: """ Wrapper around polyval2d with input normalization. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cc: np.ndarray, A: Affine) -> None: assert cc.shape in [(3, 3, 2), (2, 2, 2)] tol = 1e-6 self._cc = cc self._A = A self._safe_to_grid = False sx, zx, tx, zy, sy, ty, *_ = A if abs(zx) < tol and abs(zy) < tol: self._norm = lambda x, y: (np.polyval([sx, tx], x), np.polyval([sy, ty], y)) self._safe_to_grid = True else: self._norm = lambda x, y: A * (x, y)
def __call__(self, x: Any, y: Any = None) -> Any: """ Evaluate at points (x, y). When y is None, x is assumed to be Nx2 array. """ if y is None: return self.__call__(x[..., 0], x[..., 1]).T x, y = self._norm(x, y) return polyval2d(x, y, self._cc)
[docs] def grid2d(self, x: Any, y: Any) -> Any: """ Evaluate on the Cartesian product of x and y. """ assert self._safe_to_grid x, y = self._norm(x, y) return polygrid2d(x, y, self._cc)
[docs] def with_input_transform(self, A: Affine) -> "Poly2d": """ Make a new transform by chaining a linear mapping ``A`` on input side. usefull when cropping original image with GCPs. """ return Poly2d(self._cc, self._A * A)
[docs] @staticmethod def fit(aa: np.ndarray, bb: np.ndarray) -> "Poly2d": """ Fit 2d polynomial that minimizes ``poly(aa) - bb``. Where ``aa``,``bb`` are point correspondences of ``Nx2`` shape. """ assert aa.shape[1] == 2 assert aa.shape == bb.shape N = aa.shape[0] if N < 3: raise ValueError(f"Need at least 3 points, got {N}") aa_, Ain = norm_xy(aa) bb_, Ab = norm_xy(bb) if N >= 9: return Poly2d._fit9(aa_, Ain, bb_, Ab) if N >= 4: return Poly2d._fit4(aa_, Ain, bb_, Ab) return Poly2d._fit3(aa_, Ain, bb_, Ab)
@staticmethod def _fit9(aa: np.ndarray, Ain: Affine, bb: np.ndarray, Ab: Affine) -> "Poly2d": N = aa.shape[0] assert N >= 9 x, y = aa.T AA = np.empty((N, 9), dtype="float64") # 1, y, y^2 # x, x*y, x*y^2 # x^2, x^2*y, x^2*y^2 AA[:, 0] = 1 AA[:, 1] = y AA[:, 2] = y * y AA[:, 3] = x AA[:, 4] = x * y AA[:, 5] = AA[:, 4] * y AA[:, 6] = x * x AA[:, 7] = AA[:, 6] * y AA[:, 8] = AA[:, 7] * y cc, *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(AA, bb, rcond=-1) # denorm output side, assumes `sx==sy` s, _, tx, _, _, ty, *_ = ~Ab cc = cc * s cc[0, :2] += (tx, ty) cc = cc.reshape(3, 3, 2) return Poly2d(cc, Ain) @staticmethod def _fit4(aa: np.ndarray, Ain: Affine, bb: np.ndarray, Ab: Affine) -> "Poly2d": N = aa.shape[0] assert N >= 4 x, y = aa.T AA = np.empty((N, 4), dtype="float64") # 1, y # x, x*y AA[:, 0] = 1 AA[:, 1] = y AA[:, 2] = x AA[:, 3] = x * y cc, *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(AA, bb, rcond=-1) assert cc.shape == (4, 2) # denorm output side, assumes `sx==sy` s, _, tx, _, _, ty, *_ = ~Ab cc = cc * s cc[0, :2] += (tx, ty) cc = cc.reshape(2, 2, 2) return Poly2d(cc, Ain) @staticmethod def _fit3(aa: np.ndarray, Ain: Affine, bb: np.ndarray, Ab: Affine) -> "Poly2d": N = aa.shape[0] assert N >= 3 x, y = aa.T AA = np.empty((N, 3), dtype="float64") # 1, y # x, _ # 1, y, x AA[:, 0] = 1 AA[:, 1] = y AA[:, 2] = x cc, *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(AA, bb, rcond=-1) assert cc.shape == (3, 2) # denorm output side, assumes `sx==sy` s, _, tx, _, _, ty, *_ = ~Ab cc = cc * s cc[0, :2] += (tx, ty) cc = np.vstack([cc, np.asarray([0, 0])]).reshape(2, 2, 2) return Poly2d(cc, Ain)